

“Organic Interface学”


Organic Interface lab(OIL)は、分子の科学の基礎研究のすきな研究者による自律的なグループです。日本では残念ながら海外と基礎研究事情が異なり、たいへん応用重視なため、我々も有機エレクトロニクス応用を大いに掲げていますが、みな実は基礎研究マインドをこころに秘めています。




<Organic Systems>




Organic Systemにおいては、わかりやすいシングルメッセージは、むしろトータルとしては非効率な場合が多いのかもしれません。そこでの本当の効率は、短期のタイパやコスパをいったんおいて、視野をどこまで広げられるか、またはどこまで顕微できるかにかかります。

<Organic Interfaces>

さて、OILではどの階層においても、有機分子に関する「界面」がキーワードになり、「Organic Interface学」とでもいうものを研究しているのだとおもいます。


いっぽうで、Organic Interfaceは、生物的には自己/非自己を定義することであり、またエネルギーや情報の出入り口の定義であり、関係の発生場所であるので、生命の秩序の根本でもあります。生物も界面だらけであり、それこそ界面こそが生命なのかもしれません。

そんなわけで、Organic Interface学は、応用にも、基礎にも、大変魅力的な研究対象だとおもっています。ちなみに下図はカナダのグラフィックデザイナー、Geoff McFetridgeさんがコペンハーゲンで行った「The Organic Interface」という最近の展覧会のポスターです。芸術的にもOrganic Interface学なのかもしれません?

<Mono no Aware>

さいごに突然ですが、日本の根本に関する重要なパワーワード「もののあはれ」というのは、最近勝手に(自然のモノごとの成り立ち、天晴れ)な気がしています。凝縮系や複雑系科学推しということです。また日本仏教のいう「草木国土悉有仏性」や、浄土系の「他力本願」というのも、まさに有機固体系の自己組織化礼賛です。同じく仏教の「縁起」というのは表面・界面科学です。とするとOrganic Interface学のメンタリティは日本文化を貫く仏教や神道の考え方とほとんど相似なのではないかと思えてきます。ということはこの分野の研究をしていると幸せになれるというご利益があるかもしれません!そんなわけか、自分の知るこの分野の研究者にはたいへんいい人が多い気がします(自分はともかくとして)。少なくとも、日本がこの分野をリードしていた(いる)のもうなずけるようなきがするのです。

Juxtapoz Magazine - V1 Gallery Announces the "The Organic Interface," a New  Solo Exhibition by Geoff McFetridge

Copyright V1 gallery, Copenhagen

文責 山田洋一

“Science of Organic Interface”


The Organic Interface lab (OIL) is an autonomous group of researchers who are interested in basic research in molecular science. Unfortunately, the situation of basic research in Japan differs from that in other countries and is very application-oriented, so we also have a strong focus on organic electronics applications, but we all have a basic research mind in our hearts.

OIL is a bottom-up, self-organized organization. For this reason, there is no center or representative in the organization, but rather everyone is a center and representative. OIL’s meetings are held when someone feels the need to speak, and are held by those who can get together to discuss the issues. Unlike a centric, top-down organization, OIL is an eccentric, bottom-up organization, which means that there is no need to decide on overall policy with the participation of everyone, so there is no need for the usual ‘meetings’.

OIL exists at a meta-level, across existing organizations. From the conventional perspective, it is a virtual organization, but from the basic researcher’s point of view, this may be more realistic. This virtual way of being an organization has many important and realistic advantages. One of the most important of these is the student environment. As in any field, current research is fragmented, so it seems almost essential for students to broaden their horizons by getting involved with as many PIs as possible rather than staying within the values of one laboratory.

Real organizations are often quite prone to change and unable to be changed in any way, but moving the real from the virtual can be a good and fruitful idea.

<Organic System>

Nature and living things are self-organized to the highest degree, but there is a dizzying hierarchy: atoms come together to form molecules, which come together to form proteins; clusters of proteins become cells, which solidify to form organs, which then organize to form the living order. Each successive level of the hierarchy seems to generate its own movements and functions that are unimaginable from the levels below. This seems to mean that in addition to the function that can be expressed as the sum of the elements of the lower hierarchy, the higher complexity of the upper hierarchy allows the emergence of mysterious extra functions with non-linear effects. However, the properties of the lower hierarchy are still important, and therefore, basic research is always important.

In OIL’s organic electronics research, there is a hierarchy at the molecular level, at the level of molecular assemblies, and at the level of integrated devices of assemblies, and the things and phenomena that can be seen at each level are often different. Although researchers at each level have a lot to do at that particular level, I think it is really important to move perspectives, such as zooming in, pulling out, or shifting to a different level. The OIL environment makes this possible for both staff and students. This is the most wonderful thing.

This research policy may seem a little far-fetched from the perspective of the cost-effective people of today, but it is a difficult question what constitutes cost-effectiveness. The world of organic solids is complex, and the layers are intertwined, so even if you think you have optimized some localization, it is almost obvious that some other layer will be non-optimized. This is also true for devices, and it is not good to select ‘efficiency’ as the only KPI. Perspectives such as whether something else (such as environmental impact, for example) should be largely non-optimized are definitely needed in the future.

Thus, in Organic Systems, a single message that is easy to understand may often be rather inefficient in total. The real efficiency there depends on how far you can broaden your vision or how much you can micromanage it, once you put short-term cost-effectiveness aside.

<Organic Interface>

At OIL, the keyword at every level of the hierarchy is ‘interface’, and we study what we call ‘Organic Interface Studies’.

From an application point of view, it is absolutely true that “the interface is the device”, and almost all functions of many devices are performed at the interface. If you look at devices such as solar cells and FETs, you will realize that they are full of interfaces, such as the interface between molecules, the interface between molecules and solids, and the surface of molecular solids. The control of surfaces and interfaces is directly related to the creation of new devices.

On the other hand, the Organic Interface is also the basis of the order of life, as it defines self/nonself in the biological sense, defines the entry and exit points for energy and information, and is the place where “relationships” occur. Organisms are also full of interfaces, and perhaps interfaces are life.

This is why I think that Organic Interface Studies is a very attractive research subject, both for applications and for fundamentals. The above pic is the poster for the recent exhibition ‘The Organic Interface’ in Copenhagen by Canadian graphic designer Geoff McFetridge. Maybe it is Organic Interface studies from an artistic point of view.

<Mono no Aware>.

Lastly and suddenly, I have recently taken the liberty of thinking that the important Japanese word “mono no aware” as “the origin of natural things, great!”. It actually means condensed matter and complex science thrust. The Japanese Buddhism concept of “plants, trees, national lands and all-encompassing Buddha nature” and the “altruism” are also exactly the same as the heart of the self-organisation. Similarly, the Buddhist concept of ‘en-gi’ is exactly the surface and interface science. This suggests that the mentality of Organic Interface Studies is almost analogous to that of Buddhism and Shintoism, which pervade Japanese culture. This may mean that research in this field will make you happy! That may be why I feel that many of the researchers I know in this field are very good people (aside from myself). At the very least, it seems to me that it is no wonder that Japan was (or is) leading this field.

Text by Yoichi Yamada